A little horror soaked in astrology/magic. Enjoy!
Midsummer Boulevard
'The last place where you would expect to find pure evil'....Mystery, seduction, humour, and a dash of terror. My soundtrack for this quirky film conveys all these emotions with a jazzy, playful main theme and unsettling, dark ambient music. See what you make of it.
Comedy sketch: The Fireman, Charlie Chaplin. I am a great fan of Charlie Chaplin, and I was delighted to discover how well this contemporary piano piece interacts with this fragment of The Fireman. Do you agree?
Videoclip: Celebrating the work of the lady filmakers in Jaén Audiovisual.
Documentary (Spanish): Javier Manterola. The Engineer's Trade . Produced by the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. My score is called Danza (Dance), a concert piece, dynamic yet also rigorous and precise. This is very much how I see Manterola's bridges. You'll find the music at the very beginning and during the end credits (from 3:17).
Short film: Roundabouts. How many cinematic genres does one have to go through to propose to one's love? Many! Each with its very own flavour. Check it out in this multi-genre light comedy.
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I will soon be releasing an album 'Worlds'. Would you like to know about it? Early subscribers will receive exclusive features.
If you would you like to work together, or just give me feedback, contact me at inesmedinafernandez@gmail.com
I'll love to hear from you.
I am a composer and pianist, and also an astrophysicist. Here is my full bio, and here is a lovely interview.
I started composing classical contemporary, and recently have moved into ambient, electronic. I've found new inspiration in the 'cosmic' feel of synth instruments, full of moods, feeling and space. I like to combine all kinds of electronic sounds with classical ones, and the occassional use of dissonant and atonal combinations.
I am a keen meditator and I'm convinced music is the expression of something much bigger than ourselves.
In addition to my album music, I work regularly with directors and producers who want a novel approach to their soundtracks
Carolina del Olmo, Director of Publications, Círculo de Bellas Artes
The music of Inés Medina saved our documentary, literally. It was finished, lacking the music, and finally with her, we found just what we needed, a virtuous middle point between quality classical contemporary music and that easy-to-listen music that does not draw attention onto itself, and that predominates in documentaries. Also, contrary to other composers I have worked with, Inés showed herself to be flexible, understanding, aware of the needs of the film, ready to make adaptations, always professional and efficient. A pleasure.
Chris Gibbons, Media Composer
Inés is a delightful composer to work with. She injects an enthusiasm for her craft with a scientific integrity for form and content, combining her influences of Spanish musical forms, the idioms of contemporary 20th century composers and the minimalist school. I enjoy very much seeing her develop her unique voice as an initiator of new music.
Hola, soy Inés, compositora, pianista y también astrofísica. Mi biografía completa está aquí
Empecé componiendo clásica contemporánea, y recientemente he encontrado una nueva inspiración en la música ambiente y electrónica. Mi música busca el elemento"cósmico" de los sintetizadores, lleno de sensaciones y de espacio. Me gusta combinar todo tipo de sonidos electrónicos y clásicos, y el uso ocasional de disonancias y atonalidades.
Soy una meditadora asidua, y estoy convencida que la música es la expresión de algo mucho más grande que nosotros.
Además de mi música para álbum, trabajo regularmente con director@s y productor@s que quieren un enfoque distinto para su banda sonora.¿Te intriga? Degusta mis Sonidos y si quieres trabajar junt@s, mándame un correo a inesmedinafernandez@gmail.com. Pronto sacaré mi debut album ¡Apúntate para saber cuándo será y recibir ofertas exclusivas! Me encantará oir de tí.
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